How to get new puppy in Japan.


How to get new puppy in Japan.

How to get a new puppy in Japan.

At first, I'm going to introduce dogs that are in Japan. Having a dog is really popular in Japan, but most of the dogs were for house protecting. Now a days, we have a dog as a member of the family or partner for people.

If you want to have a dog here, this is how to get your new friend in Japan?

1. To buy at a pet shop

Pet shops are really "danger zones" for me. It's so easy to look at animals and to buy animals. I always try not to look inside. My parents dog, NANA is such a case. My father wanted to get Siba dog on the day. I went to the pet shop with him to watch him to buy another kind of dog. But on the way back home he had a Beagle in his hands. I was disqualified with watching job. I think an encounter with dogs is always like this. Every dog and every owner has a story like this.

2. To buy from a breeder.

I believe it's really important to see the dog's parents, especially to see the mother dog. All the mather's characteristics are passed on to the puppy. So, it is easy to imagine what the puppy will look like in the in future. In addition, if you have a particular kind of dog, your breeder will be a specialist for your dog. If you'll buy your dog from a breeder, you could contact them with any trouble with your dog.

3. To get from a friend

We don't have any law for breeding dogs in Japan. So we have many mixed dogs and pure dogs who were born in ordinary houses. The puppy owner wants to give their puppy to neighbors , because they want to know how they grow up and that they are happy. This way is really popular, too.

4. Meet on the street

In Japan, we don't have any rule for emasculate or birth control. So we always have unexpected puppies everywhere before. Nowadays we don't see that kind of dog as much as before. I used to have 5 or 6 dogs like this in my childhood. Those kinds of dogs are really fun to have, because, no one knows what this dog will be like. Those kinds of dogs is only one of it's kind in the whole world.


Those are the ways of how to get a new puppy in Japan.

I selected this way to get my puppy " from the Breeder", because I need proof of their character and I needed to know their background. I also wanted to know the breeder's mind, opinion and their purpose to breed this kind of dog. In Japan, the dog's price is still high. Some breeders do with only bussiness. So they crossbreed close family, father and daughter, brother and sister and so-on. I had to know Hana's back ground. She is big dog, if her charactor will be bad I will get into trouble too. So I chose a reputable breeder.